
I help entrepreneurs build an eternal legacy using their business as a mission.

It’s time to give up on “life management”
to pursue life mastery.

Don’t waste another season trying to keep up with cultural ideas of success, wondering what’s really missing in your life. The Master’s Program will help you activate your God-given calling and unlock your true potential. Discover how to maximize your story, life experiences, talents, resources, and time to create an impact for God’s Kingdom.
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Here’s what our members are saying:

The Masters Program has been life changing in multiple ways.
First, my faith in God has increased significantly, through a renewed understanding of God’s role in my family and business life.
I now realize the true importance of my business in how it can impact others and build the kingdom.
I now feel free. Totally free. I’m no longer a slave to my business and its daily demands. I’m off the hamster wheel, growing the company faster and working far less. I’m living with a new sense of purpose and peace, unlike I’ve ever experienced.
My marriage and parenting have leveled way up and I’m seeing the true value and meaning in my role as a Christian husband and father.
Lastly, I’m so grateful for my relationship with my coach, Noah Elias. His knowledge around all parts of life, including relationships, fitness, and business is next level and his mentorship has been a true blessing.
If you’re a business owner and want to live a new, vibrant, and life filled with freedom, I’d highly recommend speaking to Noah and getting involved in The Masters Program.

Luke J.
TMP Participant Kingdom Entrepreneur

TMP led by Noah has been a game changer in my life ! I thought I knew success in God’s eyes until I started the program. With just the first few sessions it opened my eyes to the potential of so much more. Noah has a heart for others and is a true testimony to life mastery . Excited for the future and what God will do in my life through this program.

Working with Noah has truly been a game changer for my personal and professional life. He has painted a clear picture of both the conceptual broad-strokes vision casting as well as the practical tangible steps required to take to take my whole ecosystem to the next level. More over, Noah’s coaching within The Master’s Program has really revealed God’s design for business, family, and finances; bringing my focus towards things that are Kingdom first and eternal.

Tyler N.
TMP Member Kingdom Entrepreneur

Prior to attending TMP, I felt something was missing. This program helped establish a solid foundation, rewiring my view of  the Kingdom of God, instilling the confidence to boldly embrace my calling as a kingdom connector and Christian life and leadership coach. Noah does such a great job leading out this program and has been a pivotal mentor in my life.

Aaron H.
TMP Member Kingdom Entrepreneur

The Masters Program has flipped my world right side up! I can finally see, I finally understand and I’m living with purpose. My relationship with the Lord has deepened, I’m truly living as one flesh with my Wife, leading my children faithfully and setting the temperature of my family.
I’ve also developed some great friendships and brotherhood amongst the men in the group. We’re all sharpening one another and elevating our mutual purpose. This is invaluable.
Being mentored by Noah is a joy and a privilege. You’re entering into the big leagues, making a commitment to yourself, to your family, and to the Lord. I trust Noah’s guidance and mentorship because of the fruits of his faithfulness. It speaks for itself. His guidance has helped me become intentional in my daily disciplines and the importance of my time with the Father. He’s helped me rebuild the infrastructure of my life. Mind, body, soul, spirit. I’m joyous, I’m confident, I’m grateful.

Justin U.
TMP Member Kingdom Entrepreneur

TMP has been a total blessing in my life! It’s helping me to break free from the world’s currency of money and step into God’s currency of faith.
Noah is a solid dude with a huge heart. I feel spoiled by his coaching and hospitality. Noah has helped me get on the other side of fear, remember my first love, and step more into God’s promises of abundant life with Him!!

George H.
TMP Member Kingdom Entrepreneur

Here’s what you’ll
be learning throughout the program:

How to Create Balance in Your Life

Isn’t it time that you were able to create a sustainable balance among all of the roles and demands of your life? Developing balance comes from having a new framework by which to live. This structure will help you filter all your commitments and arrange your priorities in the best possible way.

How to Build Margin into Your Schedule

Our lives are squeezed tight with activities and commitments — so we’re easily frustrated, stressed, and out of balance. Building margin in your schedule, much like creating balance, allows you to be spontaneous and to expect the unexpected. You will be able to respond to life instead of reacting to it.

How to Empower Your Family

When you get out of survival mode, something amazing happens: you start thinking clearly and becoming more intentional toward meeting the needs of others. You’ll finally have the time and emotional bandwidth to strengthen your marriage and invest in the rest of your family for their good – and yours!

How to Maximize Your Influence

Whether you see yourself as an influential person or not, you will realize through this program how much you can encourage others, lead well, and fulfill your role as a high-leverage leader and faithful steward in God’s kingdom. You will learn how to maximize your influence, collaborate with others, and ultimately bring about positive change in your community and beyond.

How to Use Your Career to Advance Your Calling

Once you lived to work; now your work will bring life to others. Career and calling are not the same, but your career is a useful tool for fulfilling your calling. You will learn how to lean into your talents and make your career serve your true purpose. It’s as liberating as it sounds!

How to Discover Your True Identity

We think about ourselves a lot, but we know ourselves very little. You will learn how to re-engage with your mind, body, and spirit and get back in touch with your true identity. Who you are is not fluid or poorly defined. It’s simply waiting to be rediscovered and lived out.

Membership Options:


$ 497
  • 12 Sessions, 1 each quarter for 36 months, Live with Noah
  • Binders with curriculum
  • TMPx APP with Sessions Material, community, LifeMastery tracker, weekly accountability
  • 12 VIP Dinners at Noah's residence
  • Vital Signs - 1/1 Consultation with Noah
  • Monthly Group huddle coaching calls with Noah


$ 997
  • 12 Sessions, 1 each quarter for 36 months, Live with Noah
  • Binders with curriculum
  • TMPx APP with Sessions Material, community, LifeMastery tracker, weekly accountability
  • 12 VIP Dinners at Noah's residence
  • Vital Signs - 1/1 Consultation with Noah
  • Monthly Group huddle coaching calls with Noah


$ 1,450
  • 12 Sessions, 1 each quarter for 36 months, Live with Noah
  • Binders with curriculum
  • TMPx APP with Sessions Material, community, LifeMastery tracker, weekly accountability
  • 12 VIP Dinners at Noah's residence
  • Vital Signs - 1/1 Consultation with Noah
  • Monthly Group huddle coaching calls with Noah


$ 5,000
  • 12 Sessions, 1 each quarter for 36 months, Live with Noah
  • Binders with curriculum
  • TMPx APP with Sessions Material, community, LifeMastery tracker, weekly accountability
  • 12 VIP Dinners at Noah's residence
  • Vital Signs - 1/1 Consultation with Noah
  • Monthly Group huddle coaching calls with Noah
SAVE $964


$ 10,000
  • 12 Sessions, 1 each quarter for 36 months, Live with Noah
  • Binders with curriculum
  • TMPx APP with Sessions Material, community, LifeMastery tracker, weekly accountability
  • 12 VIP Dinners at Noah's residence
  • Vital Signs - 1/1 Consultation with Noah
  • Monthly Group huddle coaching calls with Noah
SAVE $1,964


$ 15,000
  • 12 Sessions, 1 each quarter for 36 months, Live with Noah
  • Binders with curriculum
  • TMPx APP with Sessions Material, community, LifeMastery tracker, weekly accountability
  • 12 VIP Dinners at Noah's residence
  • Vital Signs - 1/1 Consultation with Noah
  • Monthly Group huddle coaching calls with Noah
SAVE $2,400