It seems simple enough. You sit down ready to dive into your creativity. Then voices creep in.
These voices are a wave of not only lies but also thoughts that steal your attention. Keeping on task and staying focused requires having a strategy to stay in the pocket of focus.
In this life lesson episode, the Kid in Me shows the process playing out in Lil’ Noah’s studio. The R.D.S. show up once again to rob and steal the joy of his creative progress. The comparison trap is one of the most powerful and subtle blind spots for creatives because it can easily put us in a position and mindset of comparing our own life to someone else’s highlight reel.
- As Lil’ Noah proclaims In truth: You can’t compare yourself to others as your calling is unique to you and only you.
- In the end, God won’t compare you are your life’s worth to any other person. He made you one of a kind. You’ll be measured by the potential you possessed and the influence you had on others.
Remember, stay in your lane. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken!
In your corner,
P.S. The original drawing of “Comparison Trap” is now available for purchase as well as limited edition canvas wraps and paper prints!