Can You Handle 7000 Orders?

This was the question I had to ask myself. When I launched my business as an artist I wanted to get to the point where I was selling globally. I knew this would require an automated system and structure to what I created.

I had to first break free of creating one image at a time and then selling it. I had to archive my images and then set my company up to where I could scale big time.

I realized I wasn’t dreaming nearly big enough. I was putting a ceiling of limits over myself with how I was approaching things. I decided to build a company that could handle hundreds of thousands of orders over the course of a year and my lifetime.

Was it possible to build a complete ecosystem that could be virtual?

Could I do this without owning the building, managing the employees, and handling each and every order?

The answer is YES! I am still to this day selling products that have were created over 15 years ago. That is the power of creating systems and structure for your art. I’m glad I leaned into designing a system to sell and scale because the moment I set everything up I received an order for 700 canvas prints!!!! What!?

Had I not had this set up I wouldn’t have been able to fulfill the order. Soon after, I landed more opportunities that required thousands of units and orders. This lifestyle not only brings structure but allows me to stay where I produce the greatest value: Creating new assets.

Due to demand, I have decided to launch a new cohort of creatives that want to learn how to build their business for scale. This will be a hand select group of individuals that I will work with over the course of eight weeks personally.

I will help you:

  • Choose your products
  • Create your tiers of products
  • Develop your offering online and offline
  • How and where to get your manufacturing and drop-ship fulfillment in place
  • How to scale with sales and marketing for long-term growth
  • How I turned my company into a cause and use my business as a mission to impact the world.

This is your chance to get the transformation in your creativity and business.

**Deadline for applications is Oct. 28th.

The Journey begins Nov. 4th and I hope to see you there!
CLICK HERE to apply!

I’m in your corner,

Have a great week!

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