Disciplines That Impact Your Creativity

As a creative, I wanted to “make a life” with my dreams. but I also wanted to make an impact on the world while doing it and you probably feel the same way.

This piece behind me, “Exhale”, came from a mountain top moment…literally.

I was 28yrs old, stuck in a mid-life crisis, and sitting on a mountain top questioning:

  • What I was going to do next with my life?
  • How will I make an income?
  • What will I do with the talents I have? 

 At that moment I had the vision to paint this piece, Exhale”. So I went home and poured my heart and struggles out on the canvas. Believe it or not, that was a huge obstacle for me to overcome. It required me to be vulnerable and exposed to the world. But in my doing it, I have been able to help others with my story. 

 And guess what? The world needs YOUR story too! All it takes is a little discipline…

If you’re struggling with your time and your creativity you’ll want to check this out! I will be hosting a FREE 31 Day Challenge starting April 15th. I will take you each day through my devotional book, 31 Disciplines of Highly Successful Creatives​” LIVE via ZOOM!

If you’ve ever…

  •  Wondered how on earth to manage the dynamics of life while staying creative
  • Struggled with maintaining focus (or even figuring out what to focus on!)
  • Been stumped, confused, or exhausted as you work to “do it all”
  • Wanted to do the work you love without sacrificing your sanity or family life

then this book and challenge is perfect for you.

I would love to spend time with you, putting wind in your sail each morning as you and your family start your day. Are you in and ready to take this 31 Day Challenge with me?

To make sure you don’t miss out on any of the details be sure to register by clicking the link below>>

In your corner,

P.S. Need a copy of my book? You can grab one HERE! 

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