Discovery Session

This is the opportunity to gain vision and brand strategy from Noah for your company. Through a one-day intensive, Noah will guide you through an extensive audit of how you can build a brand that generates income and impact through your unique offerings. Most who experienced the session feel it was one of the greatest investments in their personal and professional life.

Key Benefits:

Type of Engagement:







PDF Deck with visuals, notes, and photos from the session along with a recap suggested plan of implementation, forecast of build, along with corresponding budgets

Discovery Session with Noah



One-day intensive, Noah will guide you through an extensive audit of how you can build a brand that generates income and impact through your unique offerings.


What an informative, strategic, and productive time with Noah. This will be the most important investment you make for your organization.

Howard Hayworth 
CEO Athletes in Action

Noah was great a listening to me and my ideas and was able to draw out from within me even more ideas. He’s a great whiteboard artist as well. 🙂

Aaron Zapatta
Author & Entrepreneur

My Discovery Day with Noah provided a way for me to unearth hidden gems that when offered can transform lives and generations. I don’t think I ever would have come to such a clear path forward without this day.

Michele Rickett
Founder & President of She Is Safe

I am blown away by the Discovery experience we went through with Noah. It was more than worth the investment of time and money. The foundational principles that we learned will take us in the right direction with a Kingdom mindset that will allow us to operate our personal lives and business “ecosystem” in a way that will flourish for many years.

Cindy M.
Kingdom Entrepreneur

Noah’s artful approach to coaching and business development is truly remarkable; his ability to navigate the intricacies of my life and distill true wisdom into actionable advice is unparalleled. With Noah’s guidance, the discovery of new opportunities for my life became a profound and enlightening experience, freeing me to see my full potential with clarity and purpose. The gratitude I felt partnering with Noah is overwhelming.

Kenny K.

I needed wise and strategic counsel from someone who both honors and understands my heart for doing business in a Kingdom-driven way – Noah absolutely delivered! I was stretched, I was challenged, and I left our time together with clarity and a powerful plan.

Shae Bynes
Author & Founder Faith Driven Entrepreneur

If you want to go deep and be pushed into new areas of thinking about your organization’s brand and offerings, a discovery day with Noah is well worth it!

Bill High
The Signatry

The day we spent with Noah was groundbreaking. He synthesized our business into a simple ecosystem and showed us a clear vision and a path to make it happen. There were many “a-ha” moments. In the end, there was no doubt we wanted to continue working with Noah.

Lisa Bachman