Many people struggle with fear and anxiety, but the most successful are able to pull them up by the root. Untended, fear and anxiety can lull you into complacency, wreck your growth, and crush your dreams before you even take a single step! To break free from the grip of life’s “what if’s,” you can’t wait for the onset of damaging worries — you have to hunt your fears down and stop them in their tracks.

#Fearhunters is more than an inspiring, soul-bearing account of how Noah Elias conquered the fears that haunted him since childhood. It’s a rousing blueprint for how you can face down your wounds from the past and ignite the passion to pursue the life you were uniquely meant to live!

Great For:

People of Faith


The courage to live your dreams comes from your authentic self — but most of us are hiding behind a false self we constructed to protect us from harm. So we spin our wheels, get self-focused, and put off our most important work: the kind of unique contributions that would require us to be vulnerable to the world’s opinions.

This book will help you dismantle the common fears that hold us back from making our greatest contributions: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of confrontation, fear of change, and fear of embarrassment. It will help you identify the schemes of fear so that you can embrace the truth, rediscover your authentic self, and pursue the things that make your heart come alive!

Frequently asked questions:

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll learn:

  • How to recognize what’s holding you back from living your dreams
  • How to overcome the common fears that lead us to self-sabotage: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of confrontation, fear of change, and fear of embarrassment
  • How to win the “shame game” by hunting down the root causes of your shame
  • How to find true security and rediscover your authentic self
  • How to reignite your passion and creativity by being kind to your inner child
  • How to take risks, pursue significance, and distinguish a career from a calling
  • How to embrace the truth on a daily basis and make the choices that will empower your future

… and much more!

Immediately! #Fearhunters is a straightforward guide for dismantling the fears and anxiety that’s holding you back in life. As you learn each important lesson, you’ll be able to reflect, process, and act, making the critical changes that will help you break free and live the life you were meant to live.

Many of the biggest battles we fight will be in the eight inches between our ears. Your ability to be creative, to be vulnerable, to take risks, to make progress, to use your gifts, and to engage others is a matter of mastering your fears. When you are a professional #Fearhunter, you can unleash your authentic self and experience success like never before.

If you feel like you’re not able to extract all the value from #Fearhunters on your own, check out the #Fearhunters course! Through each lesson, Noah will guide you step-by-step, helping you move through the pain of the past to a point where you can recognize and hunt down your fears on a daily basis. We guarantee that if you pay attention and participate in the process, you’ll certainly experience the benefits!

About the Author


Noah Elias believes that most creatives climb the ladder of success only to find that it’s leaning against the wrong building. After years of finding their self worth in their net worth, they realize that they’re completely burnt out… but feel that they were meant for more. His invitation? Give up the grind. Trade success for significance. Discover your true purpose. Live life by design.

Noah is a dedicated believer, father, and husband who is also a world-class artist and entrepreneur. Starting out at 16 years old, Noah rode his bike from door to door selling his art. Now, 30+ years later, he has built multi-million dollar businesses and initiatives through his art publishing company, real estate, coaching, and agency work, having worked with major brands such as Disney, Costco, Lexus, MTV, Universal Pictures, Lucasfilm, Microsoft, and more. Noah has consulted for a variety of businesses, from Chick-fil-A to Bethany Hamilton, and his agency, Noah Studios, has executed major projects for impactful organizations around the world.

In addition to being a dynamic speaker, mentor, and coach, Noah is the author of several books, including Speedbumps, #Fearhunters, 31 Disciplines of Highly Successful Creatives, and The Profitable Artist. His extensive catalog of digital courses have helped creatives everywhere learn how to hone their professional craft, harness their creative skills, and become more successful in their careers and personal lives. He is also the host of the “Creating Life By Design” podcast and the founder of The Kid in Me™ brand. Noah is an experienced coach with The Master’s Program, which teaches believers how to maximize their time, talent, and treasure to make an impact for God’s Kingdom. As a family-oriented person of faith, Noah has partnered with his wife Chantel and their children, Griffin and Noah, to use their business to underwrite Kingdom initiatives, including building homes for Acres of Love, which cares for special needs AIDS orphans in South Africa. Noah and Chantel train and equip other families as to how they can use their business as a mission to build an eternal legacy.

What People are Saying:

Love this book. Noah is one of a kind person! He has something for everyone, no matter if your life is on track or not. If you only know him by this book, check out his paintings!!!

Kimberly M.

I loved this book and the best part was after each chapter you get a self check exercise. So your getting a great book on how to overcome your fears and anxiety , but to learn about your self at the same time. Great author and artist!!!

Kevin J.

Noah hits a home run with Fearhunters, “fear” can destroy us, it can eat us up and keep us from fulfilling our true potential. Noah’s book gives us some tools to overcome the fear and shame and help us move forward!

Vince B.



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