Hope and Identity From the Source

Your hope and identity, if sourced and found in the wrong place, can corrupt your life and business.

We live in a world of “self” these days. Everyone’s goal is the outcome so they can pat themselves on the back. It’s become a thing of pride to say you were “self-made,” dependent on no one, and worked the side hustle till you made it BIG!

All the while you’re carrying the stress and weight of it all on your shoulders hoping it all pans out or you don’t burn out beforehand.

Friends, wherever you are in your faith, I’d love for you to take a few minutes and hear me share how I shifted from that very same mindset and how it radically changed my life and transformed our business.

In your corner,

Noah Elias

Have a great week!

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2 thoughts on “Hope and Identity From the Source”

  1. Susanna Aughtmon

    Hey, Noah!
    I am a writer. I have loved writing since I was a little girl. I have always wanted to write children’s books. I published my first book, All I Need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans 13 years ago. Jesus has since led me on a journey of writing for women, ghostwriting, editing, and coaching writers. The freelance journey has been a wild ride. I am sitting at my desk this morning wondering if it is time to start looking for more stable job to support my family. In the last 5 years, I have found Jesus unhooking me from all my identities…writer…speaker… wife…mom…teacher…pastor’s wife. Until I am just me. His child. It has been a difficult process. Even though He should be my identity, I linked my value as a person to my roles – if I wasn’t succeeding…then I didn’t have value. And often I haven’t measured up to my own idea of success. As you can imagine, I’ve floundered. I have struggled with fear and trusting God. In Tim Keller’s words – I’ve made idols out of those things – not even realizing it. Your words today convicted me – in a good way. Challenging me to look at what system I am buying into – the world’s or God’s economy. Your video today encouraged me again in this season as I am looking for my path of trying to support my family, follow my writing passion, and grow in Jesus – I need to rest in Him as my Source. Not striving. Not trying. But listening for His Voice…letting Him do His good work in and through me….not trying to take control and make things happen. After all these years of knowing Him, I am still learning what trusting Him – believing that He is Who He says is and that He will do what He says He will do – looks and feels like. l But He keeps bringing reminders of His power and faithfulness into my life. Like this video. I don’t think it’s a mistake that it landed in my inbox at exactly the right time. Thank you for your heart for creatives and for speaking our language. Thank you for speaking the truth. Know that your words, your videos, your love for Jesus and His ways, and your story are so encouraging. God bless you in all that you are doing.! Susanna Aughtmon

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