Your creative business: Is God your silent partner?

I recently ran into a guy that was working on building his business by becoming a franchise.

The amazing takeaway from our conversation revealed to me the opportunity you and I have as believers to go into business with our creator. The bigger concern for me as I work with developing leaders is the fact most of us might be keeping God a silent partner without even realizing it. This blind spot for believers can possibly keep you from “life to the full” and “bearing fruit that will last”.

There’s a massive business opportunity our Father is giving us but I’m wondering how many will actually take Him up on the offer.

Are you? Will you?

I am in the business of helping leaders convert their earthly confederate dollars into Kingdom stock.

Sound interesting?

Watch to discover this amazing opportunity….

I’m in your corner,

Noah Elias

Have a great week!

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3 thoughts on “Your creative business: Is God your silent partner?”

  1. Awesome!

    Take the concept one step further, Jesus is looking to hand out profit sharing based on our stewardship. The parable of the talents talks about a lord giving his servants some money (talents). In the parable, everyone with 5 and 2 talents doubled their investment when the lord returned. Yet the man with 1 talent went and buried it in the ground—he did nothing with it. The lord called him a wicked and slothful servant. He said said he could have at least put it in the bank to earn interest.

    God gave each of us a measure of skill and ability. No matter what level you are at, or how much you are given, you can use that for God’s work. Don’t sit on your talent. You may not be able to turn it into a business empire, but you can at least share what you have with people. Point them to the Lord.

    In the end, imagine the joy to hear God say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.”

  2. Noah, this is a wonderful concept. I just did a daily drawing as part of my spiritual practice. It was a star. I went to research the official term for the legs of the star. I found your email in my inbox before I went to google. As soon as I saw the subject line of your email, I wrote, “The legs of the star are God’s arms reaching through us to create amazing results.” I listened to your video as it seemed perfectly timed for my greater understanding. It was a gentle reminder that I’m in partnership with God. I do nothing alone and by myself. And God is wanting us all to be stars shining bright carrying out his great works through us. Thanks!!!

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